Start Your FREE 2025 NE DMV Practice Test Now

If you plan to pioneer through Nebraska’s cornfields, you can’t do it without a driver’s license. In Cornhusker country, you can be as young as 14 to apply for a learner’s permit. Our site offers easy-to-use materials, including cheat sheets and step-by-step instructions to make sure you have a way to gather everything you’ll need for the DMV and to pass the exam. Practice tests are available for car, motorcycle, and commercial vehicle licenses.

NE DMV driver's license
Start Your FREE 2025 NE DMV CDL Practice Test Now

Cornhuskers rejoice when there is steak on the table, and they don’t call it Omaha beef for nothing. But what if you couldn’t get steak to the table? It would be a Nebraska tragedy. Stop that from happening by getting a Nebraska commercial driver’s license (CDL). Be smart and use our practice tests to get ready. With questions that are almost identical to what you’ll face at the DMV, as well as strategies for skills tests and cheat sheets, you’ll be set up for success.

NE commercial driver's license
Start Your FREE 2025 NE DMV Practice Test Now

If you plan to pioneer through Nebraska’s cornfields, you can’t do it without a driver’s license. In Cornhusker country, you can be as young as 14 to apply for a learner’s permit. Our site offers easy-to-use materials, including cheat sheets and step-by-step instructions to make sure you have a way to gather everything you’ll need for the DMV and to pass the exam. Practice tests are available for car, motorcycle, and commercial vehicle licenses.

NE DMV driver's license
Practice Essential Tests

Get off to a solid start with key concepts and essential knowledge. Your journey begins here!

200 questions + Marathon
Practice Road Signs and Situations

Build confidence with more complex scenarios — tailored to deepen your understanding.

265 questions + Marathon
Not available in Flashcard Mode
Hazardous Materials (HazMat)ELDT
192 questions
Hazardous Materials Awareness
03m 37s
Hazmat Loads
04m 40s
School BusELDT
113 questions
Safe Turning Procedures for School Bus Drivers
04m 48s
Tail Swing Safety
02m 58s
Pre-Trip Inspection
91 questions
Pre-Trip Inspection Video by Apex CDL Institute
01m 05s
How to perform a CDL Class A Pre-Trip Inspection
22m 40s
Pre-Trip Inspection Video
by CDL College
31m 58s
Full Exterior and in Cab PTI by West Georgia Tech College
16m 13s
Air Brake Tests for Combination Vehicles
05m 22s
Not available in Flashcard Mode